It is always a good day when you
see that light go on when working with a student. Witnessing them overcome a
problem and make the connection is the best part of the job. Due to the fact
that every child is different, these days can vary. Whether they are in
Jumpstart or not they have all had different experiences and some kids are
farther along than others. One of the most rewarding days in Jumpstart was when
I was working with a child that is farther behind than the others. She can’t
spell her name yet and a lot of time has trouble comprehending the books we
read in session. Although she faces many difficulties, she is very kind and
session 11 let’s find out about it I had an opportunity to work with her more
closely. I noticed that she is willing to learn, but the trick is that you have
to catch her attention and hold it; a task that can be very difficult when
dealing with 4 year olds that are all over the place. In session 11 we read Dog’s Colorful Day, a fun story that
combines counting and our unit of color. It is about a dog that gets different
colored stains on his fur throughout the day. In let’s find out about it we
look at pictures and match them to color swatches, then paste the colors on to
Dog, just like in the story. When this child came over to me I eased her into
the center, discussing the funny names crayons have (like macaroni and cheese)
and matching them with their pictures. Then we moved on to matching color
swatches with pictures and then pasting them onto Dog. This part she really
enjoyed. We looked at many pictures, first determining what color they match
and then what Dog did to get this stain on himself. Watching this child engage
with the session and tie it back to the session reading book was wonderful.
Some days in Jumpstart you just have a bad day, you forget for a second why you
have signed away 300 hours of your life, and you get frustrated, but days like
this make you remember again. This child and so many others like her are the
reason I do Jumpstart. They make every day worth it and rewarding. My class as
well as my Corps Members truly uphold our team name inspiration. Every day I am
inspired in a new way, and I am so grateful to be a part of something that
touches so many lives.
~ Loren Grier
Team Leader
Team Inspiration