Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What’s a Jumpstart Corps Member?

As college students continue to return from a long winter break, Jumpstart Corps members at American University are excited to return to the classroom.
Last semester, I joined Jumpstart D.C. to help underprivileged children learn how to read and write. I can remember walking through the Tavern during Welcome Week, saying to myself, “I’m good with kids… how hard can the job be?” As an incoming freshman, I decided to become involved in an extracurricular to have fun and make new friends. And looking back on a fantastic fall semester, I can truly say I’ve learned a lot while making many new friends… and I’m not talking about fellow college students. I’m talking about my Jumpstart children!
I can’t even begin to describe the reaction my Jumpstart children give when our team walks into the classroom. All smiles. Full of energy. And ready to paint with primary colors. As soon as we begin Circle Time, the kids know, it’s time to get silly, and that’s the reason why I love my job. Because in Jumpstart, there is no wrong. No failure. No disappointment. Just a chance to do better next time. So when I’m dancing to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” or “Head, Shoulders, Knees, AND Toes,” I’m not only making fun of myself, but teaching children to learn by having fun. No error, no mistakes, just Jumpstart.
So when my friends ask me, “What’s a Jumpstarts Corps Member?” I have a couple explanations. In the beginning, my job description was teaching kids to write their names and drilling vocabulary words to pass the time of session. Then, after Thanksgiving break I realized I had a more meaningful purpose. So then, I told my friends, I helped underprivileged kids become more successful during school. And although that is somewhat true… it didn’t really encompass what I do. And it didn’t REALLY hit me until missing Jumpstart over break, when I repeatedly woke up at 7 a.m. thinking about session plan. You see, as much as we train, practice, and motivate ourselves to implement a successful learning environment for our Jumpstart children, I finally recognized the meaning behind my job when coloring with my nephew.
So now, when my friends ask me, “What’s a Jumpstart Corps Member?” I say, “A college students who is lucky enough to color with preschool children two days a week…” Because it’s not about forcing curriculum down their throats, or saying a vocabulary word seven times praying they’ll remember it, it’s about learning by having fun. No error, no mistakes, just Jumpstart!

Bobby McCabe
Corps Member
Team Joy

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